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College Admissions

Preparing for College

College Preparation Timeline

Parent Action Plan for 11th Grade
Big Future by the College Board

Junior year usually marks a turning point.  This is because for most students and families, it's when college planning activities kick into high gear.  Visit this site for some tips on what you can do this year to support your child and give him or her the best options.

Parent Action Plan for 10 th Grade
Big Future by the College Board

As your child settles into the high school experience, it's a great time for him or her to take on new challenges.  It's also not too early to explore colleges, college majors and career goals.  Visits this site for tips on what you can do to help make 10th grade count.

Parent Action Plan for 9th Grade
Big Future by the College Board

The beginning of high school is an exciting time.  Your child may be adjusting to a new school, making new friends and becoming more independent.  But your child still needs your help and involvement.  Visit this site for some things you can do together to help your child succeed this year.

Helpful Websites

California State University (CSU):

College Board:

CSU Mentor:

Federal Student Aid (FASFA):

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA):

University of California Admissions:


SAT/ACT- For eligibility to most colleges and universities nationwide, students must take college entrance exams. Most schools will accept either the SAT or the ACT.

Students should research the two exams to determine which test is best for them. Practice and preparation are critical factors to doing well. Students typically take these exams in spring of their 11th grade year. Fee waivers will be available.

To register for the official exams, visit the following websites: